A good project needs a great team.
Everybody was asked to respond to the following questions:
1. What are you providing to the Testimonies project?
2. What have you learned from being involved in the Testimonies project?
3. What is your job in the project?
4. Website (or email address)
John Blandy
1. I give advice.
2. There is more talent in your own backyard than you suspect.
3. Adviser.
4. www.johnblandy.co.uk
Zerritha Brown
1. Support with developing the project and linking it to the London 2012 Games. To lead on Arts and London 2012 engagement for the residents and businesses in Brent.
2. It’s great to reflect on the history of the Games as well as record new aspirations for the
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
3. Brent Manager for Arts and London 2012.
Abi Palmer
1. As an Arts Manager in London and having worked on the Sydney Olympics, my role as an advisor is to provide feedback and recommendations on how to develop this community project in the best possible way for the London 2012.
2. Truly intergenerational projects really do help us all, young, old and the in betweeners, make sense of our past, here and now and to anticipate the future.
3. Arts advisor.
4. abi_palmer@yahoo.com
Robert Wilkinson
Historian specialised in oral history (British Library)
The rest of the Team
Tobias Chapple
1. I’ve been helping get the word out about Testimonies: writing its press releases, the transcripts and just talking to Londoners about it.
2. That there's never just one story to tell and that London will always take you by surprise.
3. Press Officer.
4. tobias.chapple@gmail.com
Imogen Eveson
1. I have designed the exhibition booklet for Testimonies and consulted on the project's graphic identity.
2. Before embarking on this project I wasn't engaged in the Games in any way. TESTIMONIES has piqued my interested in the Games and introduced me to them from a very interesting angle, for which I am grateful.
3. Graphic Designer.
4. www.imogeneveson.com
Emilie Giles
1. My role is to manage the Testimonies social media accounts and to design a pervasive game and app for members of the public to engage with.
2. The importance of communities and how reflecting on a significant event can bring people together.
3. Social Media Co-ordinator and Game Designer. From August 2011 to the 15th July 2012.
4. www.emiliegiles.co.uk
Salesh Kapur
1. My purpose is to convey their emotion.
2. The courage of our elders.
3. Photographer.
4. info@saleshkapur.com
Barbara Kyei
1. Assistant to Lorenzo.
2. Excitement for the community.
3. Intern student.
4. barbarakyei@yahoo.co.uk
Tom Pritchard
1. I am the sound engineer, I recorded and mixed all of the interviews.
2. I have learnt that everyone has a unique perspective on the Olympics.
3. Sound Engineer.
4. tcpritchard@hotmail.com
Eva-Maria Sanchez
1. To the Testimonies project I’m bringing over three years of experience working as a marketing and communications professional, which together with my bilingual skills should help this project to gain extensive coverage in Spain and the UK.
2. From being involved in the Testimonies I have widened my understanding of the Olympic Games as a massive international celebration. Also, I have come to the conclusion that by letting people know about this project it encourages a debate about the Olympic Games that is meant to leave a longer lasting impression in people’s memory.
3. Press and Communications Manager. From June 2011 to October 2011.
4. evamariash@gmail.com
Pau Usach López
1. Facilitating that this project have not barriers of space and time.
2. It’s a kind and very human initiative for all. It makes the Olympic Games a little bit closer to the people, more intimate and personal. I enjoy participating in it.
3. Webdesigner
4. www.co-creativos.es
Lorenzo Belenguer - Lead Artist